Story & photos by Jared Souney
Dave Mirra is really, really good! That is my overall impression of the X-Trials in Providence. He's not just good, he is really good. I'm telling you the boy has been eating his Wheaties. Aside from Dave, there was some other incredible riding in Providence.
Pro flat was packed with 22 riders, knocked down to 10 in the finals. Andrew Farris got third, Chad DeGroot got second, and Trevor Meyer wins everything. Trevor is nothing but a robot; he was doing impossible inward spinning links, stick-b's kicking backwards, and more.
Pro Vert took place on the second day. After watching practice the day before it was clear the contest was not to be missed. Pat Miller and Jay Egleston (both Schwinn riders) where doing some of the highest airs I have ever seen, and both made the cut. Josh Heino got four flats in warm ups....yes four. Needless to say he was gettin' pissed. Jimmy Walker was the only one besides Dave Mirra to bring the entire crowd to a frenzy: good 'ol Jimmy took out an ESPN camera man. Kevin Robinson had the hometown crowd on his side. Kevin goes HIGH and did some of the highest 540's of the contest, but ended up getting shafted out of the cut by one spot -- but when Josh Heino dropped out, he was in. Kev ripped in the finals and got sixth.

Dave Mirra, flair
Jon Peacy came out of retirement (and the skateboard clothing industry) and is back on GT. Peacy always ruled, and he didn't seem to lose anything in his absence. Final cut for Peacy. Dave Osato has got skills: tailwhips, bottom side toothpicks, and much more. I've forgotten what place Dave got, but I know it was a top five spot. Parker ripped as usual. Super high airs, but no 900...slacker. McCoy! Second place, and guess what? He learned flips on vert. All right.....First place went to Dave Mirra. Dave is so good that no one makes fun of him for not wearing a visor on his helmet. Lets see here, huge airs, big variations, tailwhips, 540's, and a perfect flair at about six feet. Dave has them wired, no exaggeration.

Rob Nolli tailwhipped all over the place
Friday was the street contest. We ended up missing amateur street, so about all I know is that Adam Banton won and Chad DeGroot got third....I have no idea who got second, but I'm sure he deserved it. Pro practice was something similar to a stampede. I honestly don't know how nobody got killed. People were doing crazy shit in every direction and just missing each other....Aside from a small collision involving Troy McMurray and somebody else (Colin?) everyone seemed to avoid disaster. It would be impossible to describe all the crazy stuff that went on during the contest, so I'll just let some tidbits fly (in no particular order).
Ryan Nyquist can jump....boy can he ever. Double barspins over everything. Jeff Harrington did a really nutty transfer from a vert wall, to a wedge that was angled the wrong way. To top it off, he turned around and did it again no handed. McCoy ruled once again....gramps can sure street out. Big flips, 360's, nose wheelies and a 540 tail tap on the vert wall. Rob Nolli is so smooth. Nose wheelies to full bar spin, huge supermans, tail whips over everything, including a tailwhip transfer over a railing. Dave Osato tweaked his wheel and threw in the towel, so he didn't even make the finals.

Ryan Nyquist in action
Colin Winkelman rode fairly conservative, but did start his run with a clean 720. He didn't do any stupid transfers, and I think his riding showed that he doesn't need to, he's still really good. Joe Rich impressed the hell out of me. Joe went HUGE on everything he did, including no handed flips, lookdown 360's and tons of other stuff. No Luc-e. On the subject of superdome personalities, Taj also ruled. One handed tailwhips, 360's and bunnyhops over rails packed Taj's runs. About all that sticks in my mind now, is once again Mirra. What can't Dave do? He sure can do 360 tailwhips, huge truck drivers, nose wheelies, flairs, grinds in both directions, nosepicks and fufanus in both directions, and super huge hip jumps. Dave is skill. Dave obviously won, McCoy took second, Nyquist third, and Joe Rich fourth.
Everyone ask Mark Florek about the pistachio pie!
I'd just like to add one thought here: These contests were held over three days -- a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'd just like to say a big sarcastic "thanks" to ESPN for scheduling the contest at a time when most people with full-time day jobs couldn't attend. "ESPN: It's all about the money." --Kieran