The Factory
The Factory is a very stylish riding site from Norway. I don't know how this one got by me for so long. It's well designed by people who obviously know what they're doing on the Web, and uses some pretty cool DHTML effects. The site's kinda heavy, so those of you not using a cable modem may have to wait a while for this one to load, but it's worth it.
The site includes articles and interviews, all well-designed and with good photos. Interviews included local and European riders, some Japanese flatlanders, as well as more well-known riders like Martti Kuoppa and Michael Steingraber. Though the articles pop up in a new window, and larger photos pop up in their own windows, but the site is done well so you don't feel like your screen is getting cluttered. And The Factory is updated every couple weeks, so it's worth going back and visiting.
There were some broken links & image in the rider's section, but other than that this site worked real well. The only real problem I found with The Factory is that it doesn't work on Macs (links don't work with IE 5, and the site didn't work at all with Netscape) so I'm not able to view this site from home, which is a drag. But when I was using a Windows laptop, this site was fantastic!
Flatland Online
Flatland Online is similar to in that it covers flatland riding exclusively. The design of the site is clean and simple: nothing fancy or distracting to get in your way. On the other hand, at times it's a bit too bare-bones: photos are few and far-between, even for interviews and contest articles. In addition to contest coverage (from the U.S. and Europe), there are several interviews with riders from all over the world, a product preview section and a classifieds/for sale board.
Though the design is clean and the site updated regularly, Flatland Online could definitely benefit from some photos to make it more interesting.
Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers
Sites like this are no longer a real surprise anymore. Someone set up a site dedicated to guys who look like Kenny Rogers? Not that out-there anymore. But luckily it is rather entertaining (for a little while, anyway)...once you get past the horrible navigation and the textbook bad uses for Flash.
It's broken down into galleries of regular guys (and celebrities) who kinda look like The Gambler. It also has tips on how to look like Kenny and Kenny-spotting tips (including good places to go to see them). (Strangely enough, there's no mention of his chicken franchise on the site...) Will Kenny Rogers sightings replace mullet sightings as a semi-popular pasttime? Probably not, but stranger things have happened.