Gary Fisher
I hate Gary Fisher. I've never seen their bikes, never ridden them, and never plan to. Here's a classic example of a mountain bike company jumping into the freestyle bike ring for a fast buck while the getting's good. Fuck 'em. And if that wasn't enough reason to hate this bandwagon-jumping company, this ad sucks.
The copy is typical marketing bullshit trying to sound cool. "...we've pierced the top tube with the seat tube, making for the stiffest ride you've had since your first date, but much more pleasureable." "For the serious guy with air in his eyes, check out the Air Bob [editor's note: great name for a bike!]. It's built long and mean, just like a '72 Chevelle with a 454 big block. Go ahead, ask the Hessian sitting next to you what that means...he'll tell you it's a bitchin' ride."
Then they top it all off with a "hardcore rider" looking tough and showing off his rad new Gary Fisher ride. I'll give Gary Fisher points for doing market research: the guy is definition "cool" when it comes to riding -- white male, early-20's, mean scowl, piercings, tattoos, baggy shorts with boxers pumped up, probably a big Rage Against the Machine fan...and if you couldn't already tell how hardcore this guy is just by looking at him, he's got "HARDCORE" tattooed across his stomach, so there's no mistake here. Usually companies have to earn street credibility, but Gary Fisher proves that it can be bought in a single ad. Go Gary, you hardcore sonofabitch!