Story & photos by Brian Chapman
Hollywood Jam - August 9, 2003 - Hollywood, CA
This was the second Hollywood Jam this year. I couldn't make the first one but decided that I could make a weekend out of this second one. Next thing I knew I was on a flight to LA with my friend Rick to ride for a couple days in Hollywood. It was a decent turnout of about 30 riders mostly from the California area. I think Rick and I won the prize for traveling the farthest.
The jam was well organized by Steve Scheurer complete with a raffle and Diversion girls. The riding area was amazing. There was flat, smooth asphalt as far as the eye could see. Unfortunately, riding had to cease around 6 o'clock when the cars started to park there for the Hollywood Bowl. Six hours of riding in the hot California sun was enough for me as it was.
There was a little post jam barbeque and then we were back on the plane to Rhode Island the next day. Thanks to Steve for letting me and a bunch of other riders crash on his floor. It was a great time and you should hit it up when it's scheduled again next year.