Matt St. Gelais organized a flatland contest at North Attleboro High School, which brought several riders from around Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, plus one from New York. Once the soccer moms drove the kids from their morning games, the parking lot was clear for riding. The relatively small turnout contributed to turning the potential contest into a regular riding jam, which was fine for everyone there.
For me (and probably most people), the best part of contests & jams isn't competing it's having the chance to ride with friends that you don't get to see very often. This day brought some folks out of the woodwork that haven't been sighted in a while, including Kurt Von Stetten (who was doing front wheel switching links before you even started riding!), Mike Mazer (who I haven't seen in New England since the King of Flatland days about a decade ago), and Marcel Tremblay.
Bad weather is lame, riding alone is boring, crappy parking lots suck this jam had none of that, so I for one had a pretty good time...