john maul
Where is your game at right now as opposed to maybe a couple of years ago?
I feel I've improved somewhat, although if I was as good a rider now I'd never know it. I dunno, I definitely feel better than I did a couple years ago.
You were always considered the best. (John laughs) Are you now saying that maybe you aren't the best, or you have to regain being the best?
I definitely feel that I'm not the best (laughter).
What's one of the biggest challenges you face?
Probably right now, answering these questions (laughter). They're kind of difficult.
There are a lot of people who are naysayers out there. I don't know what it is with you: They always want to take you down a few pegs and say, "He's not what he used to be" or "He isn't what he used to be." Does that burn in you or does it not bother you at all?
Well, it doesn't bother me because it doesn't really matter as long as I'm doing what I want to do. As long as I'm raking in the bucks (laughter).
You've always had a swagger. (John laughs) I don't mean that in a demeaning way, but there's just this confidence about you on the court — well, on the ramps, I guess. Do you think it's still there? Do you think you still need it? Or do you think that what you've accomplished somewhat offsets all that?
I really wasn't aware of any type of swagger. Uh, I suppose if it's there maybe I need it; I'll try to work on making that less noticeable I guess.
Does it bother you, though, that some of the guys are coming on now, the new generation — it's not swagger, it's almost demeaning the way they can be. The trash-talking — I mean, you're a good trash-talker, everybody knows that (laughter) — but they've taken it to a level that's almost harmful in a way.
Yeah, those that use the trash-talk, especially these rookies, they come in and...
Start doing truck drivers.
Yeah — who do they think they are, you know? I guess it's just because the people they have to look up to now are incredible compared to, you know, Fred Blood (laughter). I think they kind of have an advantage there, so maybe it's justified.
Do you still have something to prove to yourself or to others as far as you're concerned, or is that pretty much resolved?
Pretty much resolved, I guess. I proved it to myself if anything, but I don't think I have anything really to prove.

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