Promise Ring, Jets to Brazil
Middle East Downstairs, Cambridge, MA
This show actually happened quite a while ago October or November (I can't really remember). Pedro the Lion opened the show, but (as usual) I got there late (or just in time, if Pedro sucked). I was surprised, to see how friggin' full the club was at 10 PM, though.
I hadn't yet heard any Jets to Brazil stuff; I just knew that if it was made up of members of Jawbreaker and Texas is the Reason, it can't be bad. I was right it was a great show, and a had a few unexpected parts (yes, that really was a keyboard Blake was playing).
I had heard the Promise Ring a few times, but wasn't very familiar with them. They put on a fantastic show, although by the end it seemed like many of their songs sounded alike. But that might just be me the PR fanatics loved it. Definitely a fun band to see live (even if you don't know them at all), and the singer's Sunny Day Real Estate impression was pretty funny...
Uploaded January 1999