Okay, I'll be the first to admit that Fugly.net borders on mean...but for the most part it is pretty damn funny. What the folks at Fugly do is scan the web for pictures that people put on their web sites not just any people, but people who tend to be an open target for ridicule. (That's where the mean part sets in.) These include white trash, nerds, bikers, goths, bodybuilders, punks...pretty much any bad picture found on somebody's Geocities website. Check out the Gallery and go through the interestingly-titled photos ("the Grand Wizard's daughter", pictured here; "Five reasons never to date anyone you meet on the Internet"; "Count Dork-ula, Lord of the Uncool"; "Rock 'n' Roll High School reunion"), or just check out a random photo. So if you have a goofy picture on your site, watch out...