Although the Web is mainly useful for wasting time, it's also a good place to get news and information and occasionally a good place to be entertained. Once in a while you'll find a site that can give you all three at once. The Onion "America's Finest News Source" never fails to crack me up. It's the Web version of the newspaper of the same name, and if you know that paper (I didn't), you know not to come here for real news. Recent headlines include:
Kellogg's Pulls Controversial 'Choco-Bastard' from Store Shelves
Vatican Rescinds 'Blessed' Status Of World's Meek ('Screw The Meek,' Says Pope)
Homoerotic Overtones Enliven NRA Meeting
As you can guess, the content is the kind of thing that'll offend conservatives and uptight people, but taken with a grain of salt it's some hilarious reading. The Editorial content is just as off the wall and includes USA Today-style infographics (like Movie Sountrack Mania which asks why people buy soundtracks: "13% have no taste, soul"), polls (Bilingual Education Under Fire: "This problem is even worse in Mexico almost nobody speaks English over there."), and other "editorials" ("West-Wing Tech-Support Crew Be A Buncha Wack Bitches").
After reading through the weekly updates, be sure to browse the Onion's news archives as well; it doesn't have everything they've done, but there's a good collection of highlights. Some people just know what's funny; Onion writers definitely do.