I know it's rough. You're outside for four or five hours at a time repeating and struggling on the exact same trick, getting nowhere. It is the most frustrating experience a flatlander can endure (besides getting beat up or held at gunpoint for your bike). The stress can definitely bring you down or make your insides boil over with intense frustration. Most of the time, if you're constantly trying the same trick over and over again, your concentration will fade far, far away and emotions like anger and frustration will take over.
Now, I've had it with Star Wars at this point, but anger and stress and frustration will get you nowhere, just as Ben and Yoda taught Luke. Go on to another trick, go get a soda, go have lunch, go anywhere. But don't let stress get you down on flatland. It's gonna thrive on dedication and progression; not anger, stress or frustration.
Originally appeared in The Hacksaw #2.
The Hacksaw, 5209 Quince Ct., Woodbridge, VA 22193