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Video Reviews
Baco 7: Pride
Baco 9
Balancing Act
Diversion #1
Diversion #2
Dorkin' in York 10
Empire East
Flatland Manifesto #1
Infinite Pieces
The Last Resort
Low Fat #3
Low Fat #4: Massholes
Modus Operandi
Moronics in Action
N.C. Flair
Nowhere Fast
Props: Best of 1997
Schwinn: American Muscle
Standard: Style Cats

Video Reviews

Low Fat #4: Massholes

21 minutes
Controversial figure David Muggleston has struck again, this time with Low Fat 4: Massholes. As the name implies, it's pretty much all Massachusetts-filmed footage, with some good riding by the likes of Tom Masterson, Sean Rudzinsky, Charlie Ronayne, and a much-improved Mug himself (among others). But unlike previous Low Fat videos, which had a videozine organization and feel, Massholes is more of a regular video; it's a mix of footage, not broken up into sections — take that as good, bad, or neither. Another subjective aspect is the near-absence of flatland; some people will love that, but not me. What you end up with is a lot of street (most of it filmed in Boston), dirt, and mini ramp footage. It's good stuff, but towards the end it gets repetitive — lots of handrails, manuals, bunnyhops, bah spins... It's well-done (as usual), but it's on the short side (a little over 20 minutes) and a bit pricey compared to past Low Fats.

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Low Fat, P.O. Box 35131, Brighton, MA 02135